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October 2010 |
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Not in Reading Gaol I was an honoured guest of the third Reading
Festival of Crime Writing last month, held in the splendidly Gothic
Town Hall
there rather than the Gaol. This is a festival which is expanding by
leaps and
bounds, not only in quantity but also quality, attracting the
superstars of the
genre such as Val McDermid, Lindsey Davies, Christopher Brookmyre, Paul
and Nicci French.
I was
taking part in a panel on comedy crime, Dead
Funny, chaired by the elegant Peter Guttridge, and managed to
pick up lots
of tips from being in the company that Welsh wizard Malcolm Pryce and
frighteningly talented Christopher Fowler, but it was a real pleasure
to meet
the delightful Marion (‘M.C.’) Beaton, who modestly
refrained from mentioning
that she had a new novel about to be published (Agatha Raisin and the Busy Body) and that to complement the
21-book series, The
Agatha Raisin Companion will appear next month.
four-day festival, however, was not confined to crime fiction, but also
included talks and seminars on modern police work, the history of
Reading Gaol,
Charles Dickens and his interest in Victorian forensics, the role of
Magistrates and a fascinating (and sell-out) lecture on the history of
Serial Killing by Professor David Wilson, author of the recent book of
the same
Memories of Academia It was remiss of me to feature a photograph of
that prolific author Andrew Taylor in last month’s column,
without mentioning
Andrew’s new novel. I have been suitably chided, nay
positively chastised by
those perky publishing people at Penguin for not informing my readers
that the
wonderfully atmospheric The
Anatomy of Ghosts is now out and
no doubt flying off the shelves of bookshops across the land.
By no
means a conventional crime novel, The Anatomy of Ghosts is set
in the
launch the book in Platinum Edition Those callous publishers at Sphere have cruelly
reminded me that it is now twenty years since I met Patricia Cornwell
in London
as she launched her debut novel, by producing a ‘Platinum
Edition’ of the
trail-blazing Postmortem.
It is
certainly a book which deserves to be commemorated for it was the
Pandora’s Box
which introduced the sub-genre of the ‘forensic
thriller’ and any number of
pale imitators. Such was the impact of the 29-year-old unknown
American’s book
– which introduced Dr Kay Scarpetta and won a slew of awards
– that British
reviewers, myself included, struggled to find the words to describe
that was so clearly new in crime
In the
Daily Telegraph on A
Writer’s Life The rarely-photographed Alison Bruce has had a
punishing schedule this summer on tour to promote her second
crime novel The Siren,
which for legal reasons I still have not read.
promotional tour included talks in libraries as far apart as Downham
Market and
Cromer in
said a writer’s life was easy? Front-runner There may be a distressingly small number of
shopping days left before Christmas, but it is still too early to
prestigious annual Shots awards
are handed out at the end of the Michaelmas Term.
book, though, has established itself as the clear front-runner for the
Shot of the Year Award and that is Dr Yes (from Headline) by
winner, the Ulster imp Colin Bateman, who writes as
‘Bateman’ but is known as
‘Bate’ to his friends.
eye-wateringly funny Dr
Yes is the third Bateman book to
feature the neurotic, anally-retentive and highly unpleasant
‘Mystery Man’ who
runs a crime fiction bookshop called No Alibis in downtown Belfast,
which may
or may not actually exist (the bookshop, that is, not Belfast). On the
the anonymous Mystery Man is a reluctant and not very competent private
In fact he’s a reluctant and fairly incompetent human being,
but as a comic
creation he is quite hilarious and never more so than when musing on
subject of crime fiction.
character is majestically dismissed as irrelevant as they are
“still reading
Patterson” and then Mystery Man begins to day-dream on his
favourite subject: I..sat back,
like the satisfied, successful champion of crime fiction that I was,
and waxed
lyrical to an imaginary audience about the greats of the genre,
mostly, with a sprinkling of English and French, no mention at all for
Scandinavians, obviously......
also, in his musings, makes the stone cold accurate observation that
there is no sustainable market for crime
with a sense of humour and also
describes, wonderfully, the concept of ‘
real mystery, though, is the egotistical, alcoholic, rude, obscure,
almost cult-status Irish crime writer Augustine Wogan, whose
“suicide” sparks
off our misanthropic detective’s latest case.
Now where did Bateman get the inspiration for such a
bizarre character?
I think we should be told. Off
the Beaten Track I have thoroughly enjoyed the latest offering
from Headline author Brian Freeman, The Bone House, and not simply
because he has promised me one of his custom-made t-shirts advertising
debut thriller Immoral,
which for some peculiar reason he thought would suit
Freeman is one of
the most readable of the
younger generation of American thriller writers with the added
incentive in
that he sets his books in places which are not that familiar to British
as they are off the well-beaten crime fiction tracks and he is best
known for
icy chillers set in
True, The
Bone House begins in
But The
Bone House is not a travelogue, it’s a
suspenseful thriller about a
teacher accused of having an affair with one student and the prime
suspect in the
murder of another, but everyone involved has far more secrets than is
Well-plotted, with totally believable (though not necessarily pleasant)
characters and a red-hot (literally) finale, this is just the sort of
Hitchcock, in his prime, would have snapped up.
t-shirt, I presume, is in the post. Legally
Speaking For legal reasons I have to limit my social
interaction with lawyers (those Restraining Orders seem to get stricter
year), so it was a great pleasure to be introduced to a very pleasant
one recently.
Rubenfeld was in
appears again in Death
Instinct in (among other things) a fascinating
on how his theories of psychoanalysis fail to explain or cure the
terrible WWI
legacy of “shell shock”, which I never knew before. I was also unaware until I
read this powerful
historical thriller that terrorists (who were never caught) actually
exploded a
quarter-ton bomb on |
took some comfort from Jed admitting to me that it was not until he was
some academic research into the rather more infamous
“9/11” that he too learned
of the 1920 bombers for the first time. The result was the elegantly
written Death
says crime fiction isn’t educational? The two most famous
In the
past I have lectured at meetings of the Dorothy L. Sayers Society on
occasions, but last month, for the first time, I had the honour to be a
speaker at the Margery Allingham Society’s Suffolk
Convention. I was in very distinguished
company, as the other speakers included Society chairman and all-round
on ‘Golden Age’ crime fiction Barry Pike,
Allingham’s biographer Julia Jones
and Dr Jennifer Palmer, who gave a fascinating lecture on how
‘Golden Age’
writers treated mental and physical disabilities in their characters.
It was
also a pleasure to meet up again with Caroline Caughey, an acknowledged
on sub-Roman Britain and well-known editor and publisher, whom I first
coincidentally, at an Allingham Society event more than twenty years
ago but
who has always had the fortitude and good sense to resist publishing
of mine.
Cover Story By Len Deighton Designer Raymond Hawkey,
who died in late August, was a major innovator in the covers and
of thrillers and crime fiction in the 1960s and indeed his influence is
evident today. He was best known for his work with Len Deighton and the
paperback editions of Ian Fleming’s James Bond books.
Wouldn’t it be a delight to have all
Ray Hawkey’s covers
available on the internet? There was such amazing variety; from a
painting to widely remembered James Bond covers such as Thunderball.
It was typical of Ray’s restraint and skill that the
bullet holes on this one were drawn to show they were made through
paper rather
than human flesh.
The cover for Ipcress File
is probably the one best
regarded by designers. The publishers were horrified and set against
it. They
said the ‘trade’ hated white covers but their
dislike was centred upon the need
for clear plastic coating which added to the expense. When Ipcress sold out in the first 24 hours
– due largely to the
serialization – the publishers panicked and pushed out copies
with covers that
lacked the plastic coating. They were inclined to turn yellow. Now it
was Ray’s
turn to be horrified.
Ray’s ideas often
brought him into conflict with publishers who hated his revolutionary
such as cut-outs and piercing. Reluctantly Penguin agreed to the
keyhole through which a life size Twiggy peeped for London
Dossier. In this case Penguin had a point, for many of the
covers were torn after a few days on the shelves.
One of my favourite
covers is the hardback of Close-up
which depicted a broken bottle of Moet champagne.
Ray thought Moet might
object but when he told them about it they sent crates and crates of
bottles of champagne. Ray reacted immediately and designed a red and
tissue paper wrapper for each bottle which was then sent to
book-sellers as a
promotion. For people who collect such things, the small bottle of
and its Hawkey-designed wrapper have become a sought after item. Even
rarer is
the large spiral-bound edition of Only
When I Larf. Ray used a Bank of England
‘fiver’ as the cover. Only 150 of
these copies were produced; published to establish copyright.
As well as jackets, Ray
produced some remarkable enclosures for the
One of the most daring
design ventures was the metal foil jacket for Billion
Dollar Brain. The silver foil was mounted upon stout paper
but even so it was relatively fragile because the foil surface was so
nicked or marked. I doubt if many of these wrappers have survived.
Ray did many wonderful
end-papers too. For
the Billion Dollar Brain endpapers
used a computer print-out of considerable complexity. We were being
by Honeywell computers who showed us around their amazing computers,
question and were cooperative in every way. Ray constantly sought
graphic images and when he plucked an ‘automath
statement’ from a waste bin
they agreed he should take it, and much other printed material, away
with him.
It was a week or two
afterwards, when Sad
Event As I predicted, the launch party for Crossfire,
the new thriller by Dick and Felix Francis, was a subdued affair, but a
suitably fitting tribute to the late Dick Francis, one of crime
legends and true gentlemen.
distinguished guests were present to pay their respects and wish the
new book
well, including former Prime Minister John Major, the glamorous crime
and critic Jessica Mann and veteran journalist Katherine Whitehorn,
with whom I
shared many happy memories of her late husband Gavin Lyall. Two
Slices of American Pie I have thoroughly enjoyed two contrasting, but
very American takes on the crime novel recently; one writer needs no
introduction, one might – though his cast of characters
certainly doesn’t.
Connelly’s new novel; from Orion this month, The Reversal, celebrates
that classic American sub-genre, the legal thriller, by setting up a
wonderfully convoluted case for Mickey Haller –
Connelly’s outstanding creation
usually known as ‘the Lincoln Lawyer’ as he works
out of the back of his
Lincoln car, and invariably works for the defence. Except now, for in The
Reversal, Haller is co-opted (made an offer he
cannot refuse) to act
for the prosecution for the very first time.
legal case is, of course, far from straight-forward and Haller needs
all the help
he can get from his lawyer ex-wife and a certain police detective
called....Harry Bosch.
is virtuoso plotting from a master of the craft, writing at the top of
his form
and with the confidence to cheekily subvert a classic movie scene (from
Godfather II). Surely this must be
of the best crime novels of 2010. |
If the
name Robert J. Randisi is unfamiliar to you, then shame on you, for Rob
is the
very prolific author of more than 50 novels, goodness knows how many
stories and the founder, thirty years ago, of the Private Eye Writers
America organisation which presents the prestigious Shamus Award. (I
thought I had a shot at a Shamus Award until someone discovered the
technicality that to qualify, I had to be published in
Randisi’s new novel I’m A Fool To Kill You
(from those
non-urban but very urbane publishers Severn House) is the latest in his
Pack’ series.
And if
you haven’t heard of Robert Randisi, you’ll
certainly have heard of his main
characters: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jnr, Peter
Lawford, Joey
Bishop...yes, it’s that
Rat Pack and
with the setting being Las Vegas and Los Angeles in 1962,
there’s a major role
for Ava Gardner (a former Mrs Sinatra) and walk-on cameos for Jack
Johnny Carson and a host of Hollywood A-listers.
of the detective work is actually done by Vegas casino pit-boss Eddie
a great character who was close to Marilyn Monroe and even closer to
Gardner! With a cast and a setting such as this, Randisi cannot fail to
entertain – and has great fun doing so. Happy
New Year My ‘to be read’ table for
2011 is already
groaning under the weight of many a tempting title in early proof form.
I am
particularly looking forward to two books which will be subject to the
“second novel hurdle” which a writer either falls
at, or clears with flying
colours. (Or so the Reviewers’ Book of Clichés
would have it.)
I much
enjoyed Sam Eastland’s debut earlier this year which
introduced his battered
Russian detective Pekkala surviving (just) the transition from Tsarist
Bolshevik rule in the 1920s. In The
Red Coffin (Faber), he brings
Pekkala’s story up to 1939, with
And I
am keen to start on the much-praised Belinda Bauer’s new
novel Dark
Side (Bantam) which I notice employs a
‘countdown’ system rather than
Chapters, ticking off the number of days remaining to the climax, a
effective technique of increasing suspense and controlling pace and
similar to
the legal, court-room pronouncements famously used by Horace McCoy in
classic They Shoot
Horses, Don’t They? back in 1935.
book I am certainly looking forward to – but have seen
neither hide nor hair of
– is the new Arkady Renko mystery Three Stations by Martin Cruz
Scheduled for publication in January, Three Stations is gathering
excellent reviews from the
seems to be a particular problem with Martin Cruz Smith’s
excellent thrillers.
I remember, many years ago, trying to get hold of an advance proof of
his Awards
Predictions (Look Away Now) The Curse of the Ripsters has already struck
when it comes to predicting the winners of this year’s crime
fiction awards
when, for some bizarre reason, Deon Meyer’s superb 13 Hours
failed to win
the “Dagger-m-translation” Dagger (or whatever
it’s called nowadays).
just before the winner of the inaugural Ngaio Marsh Award for
up on the social calendar will be the Ellis Peters Award for historical
fiction and the accompanying sumptuous party is, I am told, to be held
in the
luxury offices of a well-known publisher, which hopefully has
insurance. The official short-list has not yet been released (at least
not to
me) but I promise to be appalled and outraged if it does not include
Furst’s Spies
of the Balkans, David Downing’s Potsdam Station,
(R.N.) Morris’ A
Razor Wrapped in Silk and Bernard
Knight’s A
Plague of Heretics, which was published rather
quietly by Simon &
Schuster earlier this year and has just appeared in paperback.
merely mentioning them in the same breath, I suspect the Curse of the
will kick in and none of these excellent books will have a chance at
the Ellis
Peters, so I offer my apologies to Alan, David, Roger and Bernard and
that they blame me.
Speaking of American Alan Furst, I recently acquired a
rare copy of his
second thriller, The
Paris Drop, published in 1980.
I had
so wanted to own the ‘First Furst’ as it were (a
1976 thriller with the
intriguing title Your
Day in the Barrel) but The Paris Drop is a
jolly, fast-moving thriller set in contemporary Paris featuring a
American Jewish playboy hero (and retired marihuana dealer) Roger
Levin, who
may be out of his comfort zone and unable to speak a word of French,
but is
rarely out of his depth. Life
in the East Here in the
I will
be joining my old contubernalis Colin
Dexter at a dinner to be held in the historic Swan Inn at Lavenham in
I will
also be appearing at another, even younger, literary festival, that of
Lode in
Cambridgeshire. Lode (Pop.1280 – or so I’m told) is
a small village on the edge
of the The
Quest Thriller I have been toying of late with the idea of
introducing a new piece of nomenclature to that very useful generic
term ‘the
thriller’. Whilst everyone, I think, is familiar with the
‘sub-genres’ of : legal
thriller, forensic thriller, serial
killer thriller, adventure thriller, supernatural thriller, historical
and so on.
what can adequately describe the growing number of thrillers which
involve a
piece of ancient history or myth or religious belief or artefact or
but are set very much in the present? (Yes, I’m talking about
Dan Brown’s Lost Da Vinci Secret).
about the Quest Thriller? I offer
this merely as a suggestion, in the hope of stimulating some serious
debate, but this ‘tag’ (as I believe the young
people call them) seems to me to
perfectly fits the growing number of best-selling books with the word
Legacy, Code, Prophecy, Templar or Commandment in the title. You know
the sort
of the thing I mean.
persistently perky friends at publishers Penguin inform me that one of
rising stars in this sub-genre is American Chris Kuzneski, whose new
novel The
Secret Crown they have just published (and where
the plot’s ‘McGuffin’
revolves around ‘Mad’ King Ludwig of Bavaria).
new novel comes with ringing endorsements
from such luminaries in the world of thriller writing as
Lee Child,
Clive Cussler and James Patterson, along with a hearty recommendation
from that
arbiter of literary worth, the Sunday
I am
more than willing to believe the endorsements for they are from people
I have
heard of, whereas I have never heard of any of the people who have
negative – not to say vitriolic – reviews about Mr
Kuzneski’s previous novels
on Amazon.... Hard
Times for The Stig Not surprisingly, The Stig has been much in the
news lately (he always is). Not only was he the subject of a learned
penned by Professor Barry Forshaw, but I hear has been having
trouble with the
this was one aspect of Stig’s life which Professor Forshaw
was criticised for
‘skipping over’.
But if
that wasn’t enough to test anyone, The Stig’s
second film seems to have been
less-than-enthusiastically received by some of the critics.
Pip!Pip! The Ripster |
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