By Ali Karim
I vividly
recall at Bouchercon 2003 in Las Vegas
where I first
met David Morrell,
we wondered why thrillers
were not recognized in the same way that crime fiction was, as a
‘genre of
sorts’ – encompassing many sub-genres such medical,
romance, techno, horror, action,
espionage – you name a subject and I am sure you will find a
thriller novel representing
that area. This then poses a challenge for the thriller writer, for
which the
seeds of International Thriller Writers [ITW] was formed the following
headed by the co-Chairs David Morrell
and Gayle Lynds. Then there was the
difficult question posed
by many readers “What is the definition of a
thriller?” – a question best
responded to by the Father of the Modern Action Thriller – David Morrell in this essay
hosted by ITW.
In a
famous essay, Henry James once wrote, "The house of
fiction has many windows." The same applies to thrillers. There are
types: the legal thriller, the spy thriller, the action-adventure
thriller, the
medical thriller, etc. One of their common denominators is that they
the reader's heartbeat. Read
comment that Thriller’s quicken the heartbeat is
the common thread that makes Thriller Novels so exhilarating, and one
of the
few areas of publishing thriving despite the global downturn.
Morrell’s essay
listed some of the greatest works in the genre, and that essay sowed
the seeds
of Oceanview Publishing’s
100 Must-Reads edited by David Morrell and Hank Wagner. An
amazing project

Editors David Morrell and Hank Wagner with Nanci Kalanta
International Thriller Writers expanded, they arrived at Left
Crime in Bristol 2006 for announcing their 1st
Nominations, and then they held their very first
convention in Phoenix Arizona, which [including the heat, was
a blistering
event]. Then the following year, Shots Editors Mike Stotter and Ali
ventured to the Thrillerfest II in New York City and recorded their adventures here,
and here.
Over dinner David Morrell told me about the Thrillers : 100 Must-Reads
which I thought was a tremendous idea, and now I hold a copy in my
what is Thrillers:100 Must-Reads?
100 Must-Reads features 100
works—from Beowulf to The Bourne Identity, Dracula to
Deliverance, Heart of
Darkness to The Hunt for Red October—deemed must-reads by the
Thriller Writers organization.
more than an anthology, Thrillers:
100 Must-Reads goes deep inside the most notable thrillers published
over the
centuries. Through lively, spirited, and thoughtful essays that examine
work’s significance, impact, and influence, Thrillers: 100
Must-Reads provides
both historical and personal perspective on those spellbinding works
that have
kept readers on the edge of their seats for centuries.
Morrell is the award-winning author of First Blood, the novel
in which
Rambo was created. Called “the mild-mannered professor with
the bloody-minded
visions” by one reviewer, Morrell is the co-founder of the
Thriller Writers organization, and is considered by many to be the
father of
the modern action novel. Hank Wagner
is a prolific
and respected critic and interviewer. His work regularly appears in
publications as Mystery Scene, Cemetery Dance, Nova Express, and The
New York
Review of Science Fiction.
I spoke to Lee Child, one of the contributors to this volume
Ali : You also have a piece in
another book coming this
summer – ITW’s Thrillers: 100
Must-Reads edited by David Morrell
and Hank Wagner – so could you tell us a little
about it?
Lee : Sure, the project stemmed
from a question ITW is
interested in answering – ‘What is a thriller’? It
is a very difficult question to
answer, so one way is to lay out 100 books and say, ‘This is
what a thriller
is’, using great thriller novels to define the genre. My
contribution went way,
way back as there is always a secondary question: ‘What was
the first thriller
or the earliest thriller?’ Many people sometimes look back a
hundred years to
what was then referred to as a novel of sensation; or perhaps Wilkie
John Buchan, or Erskine Childers. But in my opinion, you need to look
further back, and yes, there will be work[s] lost in pre-history. But
for my
money the first thriller that we know about was ‘Theseus
and the
Minotaur’ which is 3,500 years old and in fact is
an identical story to Ian Fleming’s Dr No, so
therefore the prototype of the
thriller novel.
As a
preview Shots Ezine are delighted to have available a bonus essay by
Writer Shane
Gericke’s contribution
John Sandford’s RULES OF PREY as a .pdf Download.
to Oceanview Publishing, 3 lucky Shots Ezine readers will win one copy
each of
this wonderful book, all you have to do is answer this simple question
David Morrell Novel featured the first appearance of John Rambo?
First Blood
True Blood
Blood Simple
Blood Diamond
Email your
answer here
with a mailing address
If you are
struggling, this 2
interview with David Morrell may clue you in
and conditions
date for entries is 1st
September 2010
prize consists of 3 copies of Thrillers:100 Must-Reads ed by David
Morrell and
Hank Wagner [Oceanview Publishing]
correct entries will be entered into a prize draw and the first correct
picked at random on 1st
September 2010 will be declared the winner of
the book.
winner will be notified by email within 14 days of the promotion
closing date
and is required to accept their prize by email or phonecall within 14
days of
notification. In the event of non-acceptance within the specified
period, the
promoter reserves the right to reallocate the prize to the next
randomly drawn
correct and valid entry.
winner will be notified within 28 days of the closing date
responsibility can be accepted for lost or misplaced entries
prize is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative
one entry per person
or illegible answers or entries received after the entry date will not
be entered
into the prize draw
judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
are no
restrictions for the 3 prize books.
if you don’t win – this book will be selling fast
so secure your copy now!
100 Must-Reads edited
by David Morrell and Hank Wagner can
purchased here
As a
preview Shots Ezine are delighted to have available a bonus essay by
Writer Shane
Gericke’s contribution
John Sandford’s RULES OF PREY as a .pdf Download.