Larry Block's Diamond Dagger Award
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©2004 Ali Karim
ali celebrate's larrys recognition by the CWA
ayo larry ali and mike stotter 1
cartier ceo shows larry block's cheese award
cartier ceo sings ala maurice chevalier
cartier ceo speech 2
cartier ceo speech 3
cartier ceo speech
cartier ceo speech4
cartier ceo takes the stage
hilary bonner and larry block 2
hilary bonner and larry block
hilary bonner larry block cartier CEO
hilary bonner of the cwa welcomes everyone to the savoy
larry accepts his diamond dagger
larry block accepts his dagger from Cartier's CEO
larry block accepts his dagger from Cartier's CEO2
larry block and ali karim and the dagger
larry block and ali karim and the dagger2
larry block and ali karim
larry waits for his dagger 2
larry waits for his dagger
larry's acceptance speech with hilary bonner of cwa and (1)
larry's acceptance speech with hilary bonner of cwa and ceo
larry's speech 1
larry's speech 2
larry's speech 3
larry's speech 4
malcom edwards md of Orion with Larry Block 2
malcom edwards md of Orion with Larry Block
mark billingham simon kernick and lynne block
peter lovesy and larry block
peter lovesy and mike stotter
simon kernick and larry block 1
simon kernick and larry block 2
simon kernick and larry block 3
simon kernick and larry block 4
simon kernick and larry block 5
simon kernick and mike stotter
simon kernick and simon brett
simon kernick mike stotter and emma noble of orion
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